Sunday, December 28, 2014

Friday, December 19, 2014

hypothermic cardiac arrest

Most hypothermia deaths happen at temperatures of 30 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, which is approximately 700 deaths per year.  about half of these are over 65.  Many patients who present with severe hypothermia are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Severe hypothermia is defined as a core body temp of less than 86 degrees Fahrenheit.  the victim's level of consciousness is a good indicator of how severe the hypothermia is.  In early stages, a victim can feel excited, with lots of shivering and increased metabolic rate.  later stages involve progressive slowing of body functions and decreased level of consciousness.

There are some conflicts in the literature, but general guidelines for severe hypothermia without signs of life are:  (read more here.....

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Animal bites and rabies

ne of the main fears of people bitten by animals is the potential for rabies exposure.  In the United States, human deaths from rabies is extremely low, approximately one or two per year.  Worldwide, the problem is more severe, with approximately 50,000 human deaths yearly.

Rabies is a viral illness of mammals that is typically transmitted from..  read more here: